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  • Aqib

    Chinese cola chicken wings 可乐鸡翅

    Buy 16 chicken wings, the medium joint. These should weigh about half a kilo or one pound. I've included a quick review of chicken wing anatomy below. The part to buy for this dish is the 鸡翅中。They cost more than the first joint, the 鸡翅根, but they are easier to work with because their size is more uniform, they don't have one large end and one small end. 
    5 years agoin Food-Beijing
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • sheikh2
    the wok is well seasoned, but chicken skin still sticks to it like a postage stamp unless I use a whole lot of oil. When I pry the stuck wings loose from the wok surface, the skin tears and eventually most of it shreds off.
    5 years ago
  • Hannah2

    This is amazing. Thank you so much. The attention to detail is fantastic, last time I did this dish I'm guilty of adding too much 老抽, it honestly did look like axle grease.

    One question: if one were to use my seasoned iron wok what is likely to happen different from a nonstick? Will the skin stick to the patina?

    5 years ago
  • Sohail2
    To be truthful, there are many ways this dish can go wrong; it isn't foolproof; it does require some care. But if you can master the process, you will find that it provides a key to a host of other tasty traditional braising recipes such as red-cooked ribs 红烧排
    5 years ago

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