Answers >> Beijing >> Culture
  • Jagienka

    Why do all Chinese actresses look exactly the same?

    Korean too?  The men all have their own look, but I cannot tell one Asian actress from the next.  I would say it is not the same with Asian American actresses.  They all seem to have their own look.  It seems to be only female celebrities for an Asian audience.  When I walk around China, the woman all look very different.  Does anyone else notice this?  
    9 years agoin Culture-Beijing
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • gaelhf
    Because they are not satisfied with their current look and they operate plastic surgery and that is the reason why they look the same.
    9 years ago
  • dongbeiren
    Society has a rigid definition of what beauty should be, light skin and western features, the less Chinese looking the better. Look at Fan Bing Bing, she doesn't even look Chinese and they worship her. So a Chinese actress is supposed to be a vapid western woman who never goes outside.
    9 years ago
  • Lucy1989

    Chinese are colored. Most westners are white,it is understable for you guys want to get tanned. If Chinese get tanned,it might look close to dark. And not all Chinese are light skin,my sister's skin is quite close to the dark,so why would she wants to get tan? Mine nis light but not very light,so why would I want to get tanned to look close to dark? I have met white people who does not like dating dark skin people.

    A skin color does mean lots about the features. Usually white people have better looking features like with nice looking eyes and good shaped face and generally much taller white the back people usually have wide nose and dark skin and Chinese people usually have the flat face. I believe for most people white race are the best looking race in the world. Its not being racist.

    9 years ago

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