Answers >> Beijing >> Health & Safety
  • Thomas33

    Pollution in Beijing - Any experience?

    ince I am considering moving to Beijing for a couple of years and I am concerned about the quality of the air (I already know it is quite bad) I would like to hear any experience from those who are currently or have been recently living in Beijing. I think this post may help others as well to know more about the daily life in the capital of China since pollution is a major concern there.


    Thanks in advance!

    7 years agoin Health & Safety-Beijing
    Answers(9) Comments(0)
  • Chona90M

    BJ i s much better than most of the cities

    6 years ago
  • Uzor00Joy
    dont like big cities, so poluted
    6 years ago
  • umuhair
    I do not like big cities like beijing, shanghai or shenzhen. I perfer smaller city with clean and fresh air.
    6 years ago
  • Bohdana2
    too heavy traffic and the dry air cause the enviroment
    7 years ago
  • chinaexpat8809
    My sister works in Beijing ,she said that she even can not see the sky clearly every morning,and must wear a mask outside.Sounds horrible!
    7 years ago
  • chinaexpat8809
    My sister works in Beijing ,she said that she even can not see the sky clearly every morning,and must wear a mask outside.Sounds horrible!
    7 years ago
  • Anderson2
    Beijing air quality software is a very useful software in recent years, it gives people, especially living in Beijing to provide some of the Beijing air quality of some accurate data, convenient and practical.
    7 years ago
  • chinaexpat8808
    not just Beijing, a lot of cites now have the haze, it's very annoying, can't go outside right now.
    7 years ago
  • Same

    Personally I find expats who enjoy complaining about every little thing in China to be quite tiresome, but for me at least, the pollution in Beijing was as bad as people said it was. Sometimes people mistake misty weather for pollution, but the measures of PM2.5 tell the real story and its not a pleasant one. Some days its fine, the sun shines and the pollution count is low, other days it looks like the first Silent Hill game and you can barely see buildings across the road. You can also definitely feel it in your lungs. As an asthma sufferer, this was the only thing that I really disliked about Beijing to the point where it made me want to be somewhere else. You need masks, you need air purifiers. The thought of pollution damaging your health stresses you out.

    I still enjoyed my time in Beijing, but the pollution problem is not one that can be ignored and its best to go there prepared so you can avoid the worst of it and appreciate it when its not too bad.

    7 years ago

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